Doing what I love

The name DAY01 dates back to before I became an apprentice, and it has been hanging around.
The name, in its simplicity, is the idea of a calendar that has only one date – namely the first. It is the idea that all customers, new and old, should feel that a brand new day starts for them when a project is completed – regardless of size.

For example, if you, as a new company, need an identity – then this is the first day of the company’s journey.
On the other hand, if you have a company that has existed for a long time and is producing something new – then it will also be the first day of the company’s further journey.

Over the years, DAY01 has become a little more than just a name. It has become a personal brand. After being laid down with anxiety, where the family and I have had a non-existent or well-functioning everyday life, I have had to realize that you have to take it one day at a time.

So DAY01 is more than just a name, and that’s how it should be for anyone with some kind of business.